Pre-K Kids

Our Students / Pre-K Kids

Our Younger Students 3-6 years

Our youngest students come to us by the time they are 3 years old. Their parents have decided to encourage them to learn English before they enter kindergarten this way they will have an “edge” over their classmates. For this group of students we focus on pre-language skills and phonics. They are taught from the start to use full sentence structures, not just one-word answers. This group can be the most challenging and yet rewarding for teachers.

At Perfect English our youngest students come to play and learn. Many of them will stay with us 6 or 7 years, some even longer. They form close relationships with their teachers, winning you over with their “cuteness.” Don’t be fooled some are naughty, but at Perfect English, our goal isn’t just to teach English, we also teach western culture and rules. Being a teacher to this group will test your skills, but the rewards are worth it.

Interested in teaching English in China? Go ahead and reach out on our contact page. We'll be pleased to answer you within 24 hours.