Our Students

Our Students

Our Students

Perfect English is an after-school English program. We offer English lessons to students 3-12 years old at our 10 branches. Our students mostly come for extra language lessons due to the public school’s English testing requirements; which Chinese students must pass.

Our Younger Students 3-6 years

For this group of students we focus on pre-language skills and phonics. They are taught from the start to use full sentence structures, not just one-word answers. This group can be the most difficult to engage, but they are also the most rewarding as they grow and learn.

Our Older Students 7-12 years

Our primary school age children are the heart of what we do. Many of them began language learning in Kindergarten, so they have a basic foundation. Unlike the younger children, this group is more engaging. They want to play and have fun, but they also need to learn.

Our College Students Jr. and Sr. High

The oldest students are the ones who are learning the language because they have decided that college (for them) will not be in China. Many of them wish to study abroad and if their language skills are not well established they cannot do well.

Spotlight On Our Students

Our students tend to be very eager to learn. Some only come because they must pass the tough English tests in the public schools. While they learn English in school the focus is primarily on listening and reading skills. They have few opportunities in the large public school classrooms to speak, and rarely write more than a few words and phrases, so these are the main reasons they come to us.

Interested in teaching English in China? Go ahead and reach out on our contact page. We'll be pleased to answer you within 24 hours.