Jr/Sr High

Our Students / Jr/Sr High Kids

Our "College Students" - Jr. and Sr. High

The oldest students are the ones who are learning the language because they have decided that college (for them) will not be in China. They have chosen to opt out of the Chinese system for college which means they will not take the Chinese college entrance exam. They must then prepare to take a TOEFL or IELTS exam (language fluency) and some will take the SAT or ACT exams. Some of these students however, will stay in China, and their language scores enable them to enter colleges in China where they will continue to focus on language learning. We are proud to say that we have students who have been accepted to the top language universities in China, Beijing Foreign Language University, and Shanghai Foreign Language University. These students exemplify the quality of our students and speak highly to our teaching skills.

Interested in teaching English in China? Go ahead and reach out on our contact page. We'll be pleased to answer you within 24 hours.